10 Things You Didn't Know You Needed for a Better Night's Sleep

Who doesn’t love the way we feel when we get a good night’s sleep?

  1. Satin Pillow Cases: Not only do they feel luxurious, but they preserve the integrity of your hair health and allow your skin to slide around on the pillow, thus helping to prevent fine lines and wrinkles, and the goddesses know we don’t need more of these.

  2. LUSH Sleepy Lotion This lotion smells so good, and it usually puts us to sleep in about 20 minutes.

  3. A Salt Lamp I am not an expert on salt lamps, but I enjoy the glow and find it conducive to rest.

  4. Plants Having houseplants is soothing and creates a calm and relaxing setting and contributes to healthy air quality and ou need all of that for your beauty sleep.

  5. Melatonin Sleep Soak A hot bath and this bath soak will help with becoming restful and relieves aches and pains from the day, which allows the body to fall asleep faster and better.

  6. Pure Beech Sheets These sheets feel like you’re sleeping on silk.

  7. Calm App This app helps with meditation and clearing the cluttering thoughts from your mind.

  8. Air Filter by Molekule This is the most fantastic air filter on the planet. Its an investment, but you only change the filter once, and it improves air quality better than any other product I have used. During allergy season, it has been a godsend.

  9. Sleep Mask Blocking light and te light pressure will help ease you into a state of calmness.

  10. Comforting Room Spray This spray just smells decadent.

10 Things You Didn’t Know You Needed

For A Better Night’s Sleep