10 Things You Didn't Know You Needed for Pandemic Living with Kids

Well, here we are after months of COVID living, trying to deal with this “new normal” and everything that was thrust into our parental laps. I am going to give you my shortlist of what has been extremely useful up to this point, and I will continue to keep handy because 2020 is a fickle b**ch.

  1. These mask lanyards are great for kids. My son recently told me that before we used a lanyard, he dropped his mask in the toilet, so just trust me, you need this.

  2. The kid's scarf that has filters! I love this for a day outdoors because the filters are interchangeable, and the material is very washable.

  3. Google Nest Security Camera to see when deliveries being dropped at your door!

  4. JBL Wireless Headphones for Zoom meetings and listening to rap music with cuss words while your kids are distance learning!

  5. Target’s contactless shopping is great! You pull up, and they load it into the back of your car!

  6. Crocs…hear me out. We are a shoeless house, and we sanitize our shoes quite often. Crocs are great for kids because you can wipe them down often without ruining the integrity of the shoe.

  7. A monthly house plant subscription to House Plant Shop! Their monthly subscription has been HUGE fun for myself and my son. We both love opening the boxes each month, and the plants are still alive, so that cool too.

  8. Ruggable area rugs have been a lifesaver with the amount of cleaning and outdoor time we have had. Our old rugs needed professional cleaning way too often. For the price of all of that cleaning, we replaced ours with Ruggables, which are easy to wash in your washing machine. Trust me, it works.

  9. Instantpot Blender to the rescue. This thing does everything. We make smoothies every morning, and this also makes great soups, shaved ice, and purees for those gourmet meals you’re whipping up with all of your extra time at home.

  10. Dr. Teal Melatonin Sleep Soak is everything. These bath salts will have your homeschooler or highly stressed home school teacher both feeling stress-free and relaxed in the evening. BUY IT NOW, and trust me, you will LOVE it.

10 Things You Didn’t Know You Needed

For Pandemic Living with Kids