Monday Fave Rave: The Summer Edition

Its summer and that means no school, summer camp, beach trips and vacations galore.  It also means asking yourself  "What in the actual f%*# am I going to do to get through the rest of this summer alive and intact?" Living in Florida, the heat is unbearable at times and the rain can ruin any plan at any time.  Luckily my little guy is attending "camp" three days a week to prevent boredom on his part and a full scale mental breakdown on mine.  We have just moved to a new house and we haven't gotten to the 'build a pool' phase of being settled in...we literally haven't even gotten to the 'kiddie pool in the back yard phase' because, well, YUCK.  As soon as you fill it up the water gets hot and gross and I'm just not into it and neither is he. We DO like to spend quite a few hours at the community YMCA pool or rec center pools.  This requires keeping a 'pool bag' packed at all times.  Something we can just grab and go whenever we're ready.

Here's what we pack in our Canvas tote:

Sunscreen: We love Coola!! Both the spray and the lotions are organic and high performing. Added Bonus, they smell great!

Towels: I'm currently obsessed with these Turkish Bath Towels. They're light, easy to pack, take up very little space, dry quickly, double as more stylish cover up when you need it, and are a more chic alternative to the same old beach towels we've used in the past.  (Tip: lately I've been finding them online and locally at TJ Maxx on the cheap.)


A wet bag: For both of our swimsuits post plunge we throw them into a Wet Bag.  I have always had these handy anyways for wet clothes or accidents 😬 (Tip: I found some at the beginning of the summer in the dollar bin at Target, but you could always use a ziplock.)

Along with toys (B is allowed 3 small pool toys, don't want to look like John Candy in Summer Rental hauling the entire house out everyday) sun hats, goggles, keys, cell phones (do yourself a favor and spend the cash for a LifeProof case) and flip flops you should throw in some Boogie Wipes, Swimmers Ear Drops, Water Proof BandAids, and a Contigo Water Bottle. (Tip: Like everything else in my house I find this all at Target.  Gotta love that RedCard discount!)

I don't overpack bags ever.  Less is OK.  These are the essentials.

Good luck surviving the summer break and feel free to let us know some of your favorite items for beating the heat.

All Love,

W & B